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It is imperative that you train your Great Dane Puppy! Remember you are raising a 120-180lb adult dog. Think ahead, what do you want that to look like? People all ooh and ahh about how "good, and calm" your dog is. A pleasure to be around. OR... your friends never want to go to your home if "That dog is there" Ugh...

It truly is in your hands!

Next is a few of my favorite training tips for any new dog.


  1. Get a slip leash. They provide the control you need. Place high up just below the ears. Think about a dog show. How proud they look walking around the ring.

  2. Before you enter your home with your new puppy/dog, go for a nice walk around your yard. The dog is a bit stressed out leaving its mother and siblings or previous place so its a good detox.

  3. You MUST enter the house 1st! All the people with you, Need to enter the home 1st! Also good if you have the pup sit outside waiting, then invite him inside.

  4. Leave the leash on him in the house. It gives you easy access to get him if you need to. Also aids in potty training and rules of the house. (We also LOVE to attach/tether the pup to a person, so everywhere that person goes, they learn to follow and pay attention to)

  5. Make sure everyone in the home is on the same page. Consistency especially as a puppy is crucial! So if pup is not allowed on the couch, then everyone must say off and lead pup off the couch etc.

  6. No yelling. One sharp sound will do, If not then get up to address. Yelling or nagging: the pup wont understand and just sounds like litter mates barking too.

  7.  If your pup comes to you, praise him! If he sits without asking, say the word and praise. Set him up to succeed!

  8. Make new experiences positive and happy, a game even. Meeting new people: Have them give pup a treat/kibble, Ask to sit, before they try to pet. Most Dogs want to come to the people to sniff. So YOU lead the pup to the person to sniff and instruct the person to wait a second before petting.

  9. Discipline is NOT the same as punishment! Think, Wow it took a lot of discipline to become a DR. or to study martial arts and get your black belt. It is necessary to having a wonderful dog. (or Children hehe)

  10. Have fun!! Never lose sight of the outcome (picture) you want to create!

  11. What you "PET" you will "GET". make sure it is what you want! Otherwise ask pup to do something you CAN pet him for. (something you LIKE)

  12. Teach Calm.

  13. Join a local training class (classes are fun, social, educational & will keep you on track to practice at home =After all vaccines are given)

  14. Structured exercise (physical), then training (mental)


**Also to note** your pup will be going thru fear periods. It is normal. They are between 8-10weeks old lasting about a week or so and again around 5-6months lasting about 3 weeks. During both of these times you must remain calm and positive. If pup has to go to the vet's, make it a fun time. Do not emotional reassure them or pet them when they or you are nervous. They will think its horrible there because your upset. Give happy almost excited praise. The effects can last their lifetime. So keep positive and calm for them.  Good Luck!

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