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We will touch on some of the most common health issues associated with Great Danes.


  1. Bloat: Is the most common killer of Great Danes! Bloat is when a gas-filled stomach twists on itself. It can cause shock because the distended, gas-filled stomach obstructs blood flow. Symptoms of bloat include: swollen, hard belly. Retching but not able to vomit. Drooling. Pain in the abdomen when touched. Other signs of distress such as  panting and restlessness. Get to an emergency Vet ASAP! There is a surgery you can speak to your veterinarian about when they go in to be spayed or neutered.

  2. Elbow Dyspepsia:is an abnormal development of the elbow joint. This causes damage to the cartilage surface of the joint called osteochondrosis or OCD. Elbow dysplasia and osteochondrosis collectively lead to the development of arthritis (osteoarthritis). Any of these three conditions may cause elbow pain.

  3. Hip Dyspepsia: is an abnormal formation of the hip socket that, if severe enough, can eventually cause lameness and arthritis of the the most common cause of arthritis of the hips.

  4. Cardiomyopathy: causes the heart to enlarge

  5. Wobbler's Syndrome: affects the cervical spine at the neck. The name comes from the wobbly walk that presents itself in dogs who have it.


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